
From: "Paul Morrison" <>  | >
To: <>
CC: <>
Subject: Cat scans beware!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:05:24 +0100

Cat scanning can be truly dangerous, it's true. I have had first hand experience since trying to scan my own cat. The result - a badly scratched scanner!
Moreover, my cat then scratched my little sister who contracted septicaemia as a result of the wound and died a few weeks later.
Warning cat scanning can damage your hardware.
However, there may be a solution. I see you can now purchase a protective plastic film to be laid over the scanner glass prior to animal scanning, that will protect it from scratches and bites: check out
I make no apologies for the plug, this stuff really works!
Thanks again for hours of fun and the dead sister.
See ya

See, someone's sister's died from cat scanning. We tried to warn you.

From: "Nolwenn Silmarien" <>  | 
To: <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 20:40:01 +0100

Your site is faked !!!
1) Cats' eyes aren't exposed, and if they are, it is less than any other torment you b******s give these pets.
2) I can prove your vote is faked (I have a very special french software to this...).
3) You put on your site only letters that go on your side.
  The French

Jen Dickert wrote:

hi i saw the cat scan site and then visited yours. i don't like the cat scan site, but at the same time i don't think it's the *worst* thing i have ever seen, please bear with me
the thing i found sick about it was the cats that you could tell were being squished against the scanner against their will with ppl pushing them down or the scanner lid crushing them. that i don't like. these are probably the same people who do bong hits and blow the smoke in their cat's faces. that's not right.
but the other cats, who looked like they were just sitting on the scanner i find to be ok. if the cat has the option to leave then it's ok with me. my cat, diesel who i love more than any human i would try scanning (maybe) because he's pretty easy going. if he didn't want to sit there he would be free to leave
however, you do bring up an excellent point about the eyes. i have scanned my face numerous times with my eyes open and it's ok. the light isn't that bright, much less so than looking at car lights at night. additionally, the scanner light doesn't contain UV rays (or not that high if at all). i actually asked my eye dr about this. Photocopiers have VERY high amounts of UV rays and therefor you should NEVER look at the photocopier light but he said that my flat bed scanner is ok.
i would still be weary however of cat's eyes, you are right, their vision is much more sensitive. but if you are thinking in terms of brightness i think it is much less bright than the sun, or car lights. (at least my scanner is...i don't know about others)
so, i guess my point is i think it's sick to force an animal or a person to do something against their will, be it scanning or anything else. i think it's ok if the animal sits there and is cool about it. free choice!
oh well, just thought i would e-mail you. please don't flame me. i did give you a good vote