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Remember: this is the old site, click here for the new one!!!
Anti Cat Scan
This site has been set up against Cat where where a bunch of 'people' (if you want to call them that) who squish their cats into scanners and scan them in
for 'fun' (they think it is).
Our new email address is:
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Some of our points are:
CliffyB supposedly scaned himself in to prove that it wont kill you. This is really stupid because he could have just scanned in a photo of himself.
Also, how do we know that Mr. Cat Scan hasn't got brain damage from his little adventure with his scanner, that is if he did scan himself.
Another thing to point out is that cats eyes are completely different to human eyes. Cats can see in the dark, human's can't, so just because human's eyes might not get damaged, that doesn't mean cats eyes wont.
Why does everyone use a swear word every other word on that site?
We mailed the RSPCA and here is what they said:
Thank you for your email. Please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. This is due to an
increase in the volume of enquiries received over recent months.
The RSPCA shares your concerns regarding the possible harm such action could cause to the cat's
eyes when placed so near to the bright light source of a scanner during operation, as well as the
possible distress caused while restraining the cat.
I can confirm that we have contacted this webpage regarding our concerns and that we believe it is
irresponsible to use cats for entertainment in this way.
Thank you for contacting the Society regarding this issue.
Kind regards
RSPCA Enquiries Service
Here is an email from Kanaley:
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:11:13 +1000
From: kanaley
To: Anti Cat Scan
Subject: cats??
I would just like to say that i loved the cat-scan sight. Just because
some people dislike it dosen't mean that we have to put up with your
c**p. Cats are anoying little s***s, whos favorite pass time is to
scratch people. Grow up and get over your problems.....w*****s.
love, haters!!!
This shows you what cat scan does to people.
NOTE: We censored out the bad language with **s (in case you didn't notice).
Some people have emailed us saying that our site is full of errors, but we're just going to prove them wrong by showing you what IE5 says:

No more emails going on about errors on our site then please.
Instead of looking at poor squished pussys for entertainment, why don't you look at something constructive. Here's a few sites we like:|cybiko
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NOTE:We connot be held responisble for anything posted.
Instaed if scanning in cats and being called cruel for it, then why not check out some of these sites:
Cybiko(Click for a free cybiko!!!)